Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, 2
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
Henk C. A. van Tilborg and Sushil Jajodia
Content-Based and View-Based Access Control

Arnon RosenthalContact Information and Edward ScioreContact Information

(1)  The MITRE Corporation, 202 Burlington Road, M/S K302, 01730-1430 Bedford, MA, USA
(2)  Computer Science Department, Boston College, Campanella 567, 02467 Chestnut Hill, MA, USA

Contact Information Arnon Rosenthal
Email: arnie@mitre.org

Contact Information Edward Sciore
Email: sciore@bc.edu

Without Abstract

Related Concepts

Discretionary Access Control


View-based access control is a mechanism for implementing database security policies. To implement a desired security policy, a database administrator first defines a view for each relevant subset of the data, and then grants privileges on those views to the appropriate users.


When relational database systems were first implemented, two competing authorization frameworks were proposed: table privileges and content filtering.

The table privileges framework was introduced in System R [5]. Authorization is accomplished by granting privileges to users, where each privilege corresponds to an operation on a table. Table privileges include SELECT (for reading), INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE, as well as “grant option” (which lets you delegate to others the privileges you possess). The creator of the table is given all privileges on it, and is free to grant any of those privileges to other users.

When a user submits a command for execution, the database system allows the request only if the user has suitable privileges on every table mentioned in the command. For example, a user cannot execute a query that involves table T without having SELECT privilege on T, cannot insert a record into T without INSERT privilege on it (in addition to SELECT privileges on tables mentioned in the WHERE clause), and so on. If the user lacks the necessary privileges, the entire request is rejected; this is called “all-or-none semantics.”

The content filtering framework was introduced in the INGRES database system [12]. Here, a table owner grants access to others on arbitrary, predicate-defined subsets of his tables. When a user submits a query, the system rewrites the query to include the access predicate granted to the user. The resulting query returns only the requested data that the user is authorized to see.

For example, consider an Employee table containing fields such as Name, Dept, and Salary. Suppose that a user has been granted access to all records from the toy department. Then a query such as

   select * from Employee

   where Salary > 100

will be rewritten to restrict the scope to employees in the toy department, obtaining

   select * from Employee

   where Salary > 100 and Dept = ‘toy’

The filtering predicate ensures that the user sees only the records for which he is authorized.

The main problem with content filtering is that it executes a different query from what the user submitted, and therefore may give unexpected answers. For some applications, a filtered result can be disastrously wrong: e.g., omitting some drugs a patient takes when a physician is checking for dangerous interactions, or omitting secret cargo when computing an airplane’s takeoff weight. Often, one cannot say whether filtering has occurred, without revealing information one is trying to protect (e.g., that the patient is taking an AIDS-specific drug, or that there is secret cargo on the airplane). The client thus needs the ability to indicate that filtering is unacceptable and all-or-none enforcement should be used instead.

The table privilege framework (extended to column privileges) has long been part of standard SQL. More recently, the major mainstream DBMSs have also implemented a filtering capability. This article examines the view authorization framework in more detail, and considers how systems have exploited it to obtain the benefits of content filtering.

View Authorization

A view is a database object whose contents are derived from the existing data (i.e., base tables or previously defined views). In a relational database system, a view is defined by a query, and to other queries, it looks and acts like a base table. In fact, relational views are sometimes called virtual tables.

Views are predominantly an abstraction mechanism. A database administrator can design the database so that users never need to look at the base tables. Instead, each user sees a customized interface to the database, containing view tables specifically tailored to that user’s needs. These views also insulate users from structural changes to the underlying database. When such changes occur, the database administrator simply alters the view definitions appropriately, transparent to the users. This property of views is known as logical data independence.

Views are also an elegant means for controlling the sharing of data. If a user wishes to share some of the data in his tables, he can simply create a view that contains precisely that data. For example, the view might omit sensitive columns (such as salary), or it might compute aggregate values (such as average salary per department). View contents are computed on demand, and will thus change automatically as the underlying tables change.

The table privilege framework enables authorization on these views by allowing privileges to be granted on them, just as for tables. When views are used to implement logical data independence, the database administrator grants privileges on the views defining each user’s customized interface, rather than on the underlying tables. When views are used to support data sharing, the data owner grants privileges directly on his shared views, instead of on the underlying base tables. In each case, users are authorized to see the data intended for them, and are restricted from seeing data that they ought not to see.

Recall that the creator of a base table receives all privileges on it; in contrast, the creator of a view will not. Instead, a view creator will receive only those privileges that are consistent with his privileges on the underlying tables. The rationale is that creating a view should not allow a user to do something that he could not otherwise do. The creator of a view receives SELECT privilege on it if he has sufficient privileges to execute the query defining that view. Similarly, the creator receives INSERT (or DELETE or UPDATE) privilege on the view if the view is updatable and the user is authorized to execute the corresponding insert (or delete or update) command. A user obtains a grant-option privilege on the view if the corresponding privileges on all the underlying tables include grant option.

Content-Based Authorization

View-based authorization allows users to provide the same selected access to their tables as in content filtering. Whereas in content filtering a user would grant access to a selected subset of a table, in view-based authorization a user can instead create a view containing that subset and grant a privilege on it. This technique is straightforward, and is commonly used. However, it has severe drawbacks under the current SQL specification. In fact, these drawbacks are partly responsible for the common practice of having applications enforce data security. When such applications are given full rights to the tables they access, security enforcement depends on application code, whose completeness and semantics are hard to validate. Where feasible, it is better to do the enforcement at the database, based on conditions in a high level language, and where all accesses get intercepted.

The biggest drawback stems from the fact that the access control system considers base tables and their views to be distinct and unrelated. Yet for queries whose data fall within the scope of both, this relationship is important. One needs, but do not have, an easy way for an application to use the privileges the invoker has, from whatever view. For example, suppose that three users each have different rights on data in the Employee table: all of Employee, the view Underpaid_Employee: Employee where Salary< 100, 000, and the view Toy_Employee: Employee where Dept = “toy”. Consider an application needing toy-department employees earning below 50,000. Since any of the three views includes all the needed data, consider the plight of an application that can be invoked by any of the three users: Which view should it reference? Since there is no single view for which all three users are authorized, the application has to test the invoker’s privileges and issue a query to the view on which the invoker possesses privileges (a different query for each view). Such complexity places a significant burden on the application developer, which quickly becomes unmanageable as the users’ privileges change.

Another drawback is that a view must always have explicitly administered privileges, even if there are no security implications. For example, suppose the owner of the Employee table invites staff members to create convenience views on it (e.g., the view RecentHires). Since in this case the sensitive information is the data, not the view definition, the view creator would expect that everyone with privileges on the Employee table will have privileges on the view. Instead, only the creator of RecentHires has privileges on it – even the owner of Employee has none.

A final drawback is that the mechanism for initializing privileges lacks flexibility. Suppose that multiple competing hospitals participate in a federated database, and that these hospitals agree to allow fraud analysts or health-outcome researchers analyze their data. However, these users should not be allowed to see the raw data, but only sanitized views over it. The issue is who will create these views. According to SQL semantics, such a user would need the SELECT privilege with grant option on every participant’s contributed information. It may be impossible to find a person trusted by all participants, and if one is found, the concentration of authority risks a complete security failure.

Several researchers have proposed ameliorating these problems by reinterpreting view privileges. The idea is that instead of giving rights to invoke access operations on the view, a privilege is taken as giving rights on the data within it (as with content filtering). With this data-oriented interpretation, the task of authorization is to determine whether a user has rights to the data involved in their command. If the query processor is able to find a query equivalent to the user’s for which the user has the necessary rights, then no data need be filtered and the user query can reasonably be authorized.

There are three levels of equivalence. The simplest is easily implemented: a user who has access to the tables underlying the view can always access the view. This rule is easily applied in advance, to create derived privileges on views prior to runtime. The second level is to try to rewrite the query at compile time to an equivalent one that references views for which the user has privileges. Constraints in the schema may be exploited [710]. Query processors already include similar rewrite technology, for query evaluations using materialized views. Finally, there are cases where, by inspecting data visible to the user (i.e., by looking at the results of a different, rather simple query), one can determine that two queries are equivalent on the current database instance [9].

Row-Level Security

Row-level security provides an effective means of providing simple content-based security, and the products have become quite popular. In effect, for each policy-controlled table, it helps administrators define a simple view that filters the row set, and then automatically transforms user queries; in place of each reference to the table, it substitutes a reference to the view. Simplicity is one key to success: each view is a selection from one table, conjoining one or more simple single-column predicates. The limitations enable fast execution and simple administration. The original Oracle implementation was derived from multilevel secure databases [1]. In the interest of brevity, the discussion below omits some capabilities; see [811] for further details.

The idea is that an administrator specifies one or more “label” columns that the system appends to each table (optionally visible to user queries). The system then creates a view that filters the rows of the table by matching the value of each label column with a corresponding label in the user session. For example, a user session might have a label indicating the extent to which it is approved for sensitive data, to be compared with a DataSensitivity label column. Or a label might designate a stakeholder (e.g., a hospital patient); the patient sees a view that compares his label with a PatientID label column. One might even independently define labels to deal with customer privacy, with business secrets, and with third-party proprietary data.

The software handles most of the details, managing several label columns simultaneously, and testing dominance. Dominance can be in a totally ordered set (e.g., Public, Sensitive, Very Sensitive), or a partially ordered set. Partially ordered sets are useful for implementing role-based access control [3], or where there are multiple labels.

Filtering is far better than total refusal in applications where the application simply wants records satisfying the query condition – and can deal with partial results. It is quite dangerous for applications that need the entire result, such as “Not Exists” queries or statistical summaries. Another disadvantage is that content-based security depends on a large, complex query processor, and is therefore difficult to verify or harden against hackers. A feature (often beneficial, but posing security risks) is that administrators have great flexibility in where and how to apply the filtering policy, and in what value to generate in label columns of the query output.

Open Problems

In current practice, policies can restrict which users can access each table and view. This blocks obvious access paths to that data, but does not directly state, nor achieve, the business intent: namely to prevent attackers from obtaining such and such information. Such “negative privileges” are known as partial disclosure views or privacy views. However, the semantics and implementation of such guarantees are open problems [246], and unlikely to be solved. The fundamental difficulties are to determine all possible ways the protected information might be inferred, and all possible knowledge that an attacker might have available to use in such inference. A further practical difficulty arises when one tries to block complex inferences. For example, to protect ({ A} + { B}), should one hide A or B – which choice will do less harm to other applications?

Next, there needs to be a powerful but understandable melding of the all-or-nothing versus filtering semantics (especially label-based filtering). It should be suitably controllable by developers, and work at different granularity. Also, efficient implementation still poses a variety of indexing and query optimization challenges.

For delegation to a view owner, models are needed for managing computed resources in federated systems. For example, researchers might devise better constructs to let input owners collaborate in managing a view, without appointing someone with full rights over all inputs [10]. The degree of trust in the view computation also needs to be expressed and managed.

Finally, filtering is often proposed for XML security, with a variety of languages and semantics, e.g., [1314]. On the other hand, static security also makes sense, in an analog of table and column privileges. There currently is no widely supported standard for access control in XML databases. Worse proposed approaches do not demonstrate compatibility with SQL, so there are likely to be many differences. Research is needed to make security as bilingual as storage and query processing, e.g., by building a security model from primitives underlying SQL and XML. The difficulties seem to fall into two broad categories: Are the security semantics different, for equivalent queries in the two data models – i.e., is it possible that information that is protected in the relational model might not be protected if viewed in XML (or vice versa)? And, is it possible to build one DBMS security capability to serve both data models. To add to the challenge, additional models such as RDF/OWL may someday need to be accommodated.


This work was partially supported by the MITRE Innovation Program. Ian Davis of the SQL standards committee made the authors aware of the paradoxical behavior of convenience views.

Recommended Reading

1. Denning D, Akl S, Heckman M, Lunt T, Morgenstern M, Neumann P, Schell R (1987) Views for multilevel database security. IEEE Trans Softw Eng SE-13(2):129–140
2. Dwork C (2008) Differential privacy: a survey of results. In: Proceedings of the conference on theory and applications of models of computation, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany
3. Ferraiolo D, Kuhn R, Chandramouli R (2007) Role based access control. Artech House, Boston
4. Fung B, Wang K, Chen R, Yu P (2010) Privacy-preserving data publishing: a survey on recent developments. ACM Comput Surv 42(4)
5. Griffiths P, Wade B (1976) An authorization mechanism for a relational database system. ACM Trans Database Syst 1(3): 242–255
6. Miklau G, Suciu D (2004) A formal analysis of information disclosure in data exchange. In: Proceedings of the SIGMOD conference, Paris, France. ACM, pp 575–586
7. Motro A (1989) An access authorization model for relational databases based on algebraic manipulation of view definitions. In: Proceedings of the conference on data engineering. IEEE, Washington, DC, pp 339–347
8. Oracle Corporation, Oracle Label Security. January 3, 2011. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/options/index-084797.html
9. Rizvi S, Mendelzon A, Sudarshan S, Roy P (2004) Extending query rewriting techniques for fine-grained access control. In: Proceedings of the SIGMOD conference, Paris, France. ACM, pp 551–562
10. Rosenthal A, Sciore E (2000) View security as a basis for data warehouse security. In: Proceedings of the international workshop on design and management of data warehouses, Sweden, 2000
11. Shaul J, Ingram A (2007) Practical Oracle security. Syngress Publishers, Rockland
12. Stonebraker M, Rubenstein P (1976) The INGRES protection system. In: Proceedings of the ACM annual conference. ACM, New York, NY, pp 80–84
13. Zhang H, Zhang N, Salem K, Zhao D (2007) Compact access control labeling for efficient secure XML query evaluation. Data Knowl Eng 60(2):326–344
14. Zhu H, Lu K, Lin R (2009) A practical mandatory access control model for XML databases. Inform Sci 179(8):1116–1133