CS 101 Computer Science I
Fall 2013

Computer Science Department
The College of Arts and Sciences
Boston College

About Calendar Textbook Vista Piazza
Staff Resources Grading Problem Sets code:red Lab
CS101 is very much a "learn by doing" course. Reflecting this, grades will emphasize the problem sets. Grades will be computed along the following lines:
  1. 45% problem sets;
  2. 40% three exams;
  3. 15% lab, class and piazza forum participation.
  1. The instructor reserves the right to adjust the relative percentages of the grade components for an individual student if there is a significant discrepancy between the exam scores and the problem set scores.

  2. Unless specified otherwise, problem sets must be submitted through the Blackboard/Vista website for grading by 12PM on the specified due date.

    • Extensions for problem set deadlines are granted only for documented medical problems or other family emergencies.

    • NB: under no circumstances can code be submitted for grading by attaching it to an email message. An attempt to submit code via email may not receive a reply notifying the sender that the attempted submission failed.

    Late problem sets will be penalized 25% each day.

  3. Students missing an exam without prior permission of the instructor will need a note from their doctor.

  4. Any violation of the university's policy on academic integrity will result in a failing grade for the course.
Created on 08-31-2013 15:49.