CS 1102 Computer Science II
Fall 2016

Computer Science Department
The College of Arts and Sciences
Boston College

About Staff Textbooks Grading Schedule Vista
Piazza algs4 Resources Java APIs Problem Sets
Like CS101, CS102 is a "learn by doing" course. Reflecting this, grades will emphasize the problem sets. Grades will be computed along the following lines:
  1. 50% problem sets;
  2. 40% exams and occasional quizzes on reading;
  3. 10% class participation.
  1. The instructor reserves the right to adjust the relative percentages of the grade components for an individual student if there is a significant discrepancy between the exam scores and the problem set scores.

  2. Unless specified otherwise, problem sets must be submitted through the Blackboard/Vista website for grading by 12PM, i.e., noon, on the specified due date.

    • Extensions for problem set deadlines are granted only for documented medical problems or other family emergencies.

    • NB: under no circumstances can code be submitted for grading by attaching it to an email message. An attempt to submit code via email is unlikely to receive a reply notifying the sender that the attempted submission failed.

    Late problem sets will be penalized 25% per day. Students should note that this policy is concrete. For example, if you are attempting to submit a problem set immediately before the deadline and your computer freezes or the network doesn't respond, the submission is late. If you submit your problem set incorrectly (e.g., by submitting Java class files rather that Java source files), the submission is late.

  3. Students missing an exam without prior permission of the instructor will need a note from their doctor.

  4. Any violation of the university's policy on academic integrity will result in a failing grade for the course.
Created on 11-14-2016 14:03.