CS 1102 Computer Science II
Fall 2016

Computer Science Department
The College of Arts and Sciences
Boston College

About Staff Textbooks Grading Schedule Vista
Piazza algs4 Resources Java APIs Problem Sets
Algorithms (Fourth Edition), by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. (Required)

Don't be fooled by the title, this excellent book is for CS102 notwithstanding the fact that its title matches CS383. This is a relatively high-level and rigorous introductory text on data structures and algorithms. It emphasizes scientific applications. We will make heavy use of the accompanying software libraries. The libraries are freely distributed on the book website.

This book is available through Amazon (for about $50 new, $43 used and for rent at $32).

Effective Java (Second Edition), by Joshua Bloch. (Required)

Every serious Java programmer should have it on their bookshelf. The author has an excellent understanding of Java and software engineering principles in general. The book dispenses great advice on writing good Java code.

Effective Java is available through Amazon (for about $28).

Created on 11-14-2016 14:03.